Thursday 17 September 2015

Fairies And Gnomes Party

Parties for the little ones are a great place to showcase your imagination. The children get excited about the small things too and they aren't judging or expecting things to be "Pinterest Perfect" so it's ok to not have every detail just right. Really, for kids, the best part is friends, cake and presents. The rest is icing on the cake (I totally meant to say that). Here is a nice plan for you to implement at home.


If you can, have this party outside in a safe nearby woodsy area. If not, then your backyard works well too. Use a red with white polka dots table cloth on your refreshment table to give it a gnome mushroom look. Use wooden salad bowls and new wooden cutting boards to display the food on. Have small potted plants (pansies are cute and fairy like) along the table. Create a fairy tent out of tulle. Set up some mini fairy gardens around the area.


Welcome the children with an activity where they can make their own fairy tiaras and gnome hats. Have one pre made sample of each to give them an idea of what the finished product will look like to be their guide. It can range from something simple made from paper, glue, glitter and crayons to something more elegant made with felt material, floral wire, flowers and hemp.

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Another fun activity is to paint bird houses. Get some small houses (you might find them at the dollar store if the season is right) at your local store that has a garden center and some non toxic paints. When they are done painting you can give the kids a small packet of bird seed to take home.

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Snails or better know as pinwheels. Take a large tortilla, spread with a yummy child friendly cheesy spread (such as a cream cheese, cheddar cheese, salsa, cubed chicken) and roll it up. Let it set in the fridge for a bit then slice.

Twigs aka pretzels.

Woodland berries which is basically a bowl full of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cherries.

Toadstools. This can be done in two ways depending which you would prefer. Place toothpicks in cubes of white cheddar and top with half of a cherry tomato. Or you can place toothpicks in marshmallows and top with strawberries pointy side up.

Chipmunk chips aka banana chips.

Squirrely nuts. Any trail mix that suits your fancy works well.

Morning dew (cool water) or fairy punch to drink.

If you want to add some cookies or cake pops to the refreshment table, then that is your choice but I find that the cake is enough.

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May your little fairy or gnome have a wonderful party!

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