Tuesday 5 May 2015

Swap Party

Well, it’s no secret that many are affected by the hard economic times out there. And shopping is one of those luxuries that gets cut. So, why not have a swap party where you can ‘shop’ for new stuff without having to spend anymore of your already stretched money? This party is also a perfect opportunity to get together with your friends and exchange your stuff with something new for you!

This Party’s Swap Theme Can Be Anything You Can Think Of

Some swap party theme ideas include:

Entertainment theme- everyone brings CD’s and DVD’s they no longer watch or listen to.

House and home theme- bring items that beautify the home such as vases, plants, throw pillows or whatnot.

Fashion theme- have everyone bring clothes, shoes and/or jewellery that are still in good condition.

Tool time theme- bring tools, paints, usable scrap wood and such to swap towards your new building plans.

Baking exchange theme- everyone brings 6 dozen of something and swaps it with a dozen of this and a dozen of that. This is fantastic during the Christmas season to cut down on the multitude of recipes you have to bake down to just one.

Fragrance swap- everyone brings slightly used/almost full perfumes, candles, unopened lotions, soaps, potpourri, essential oils and anything else scented.

Toy exchange theme- have guests bring toys, kid craft supplies and/or children’s books.

Whatever it may be, emphasis to your guests to bring items that are like almost new.

Swap Party Set Up

To keep swapping fair, everyone gets a token for each item they bring. This way if a guest brings 2 items to swap, they get to choose 2 "new" items with their 2 received tokens. At the end of the swapping when everyone has had their turn, guests can pick anything left over.

Set up your party area to have a boutique look where all the swap items can be displayed. Set up a long table or a few tables together in a U or L shape. If your swap will include smaller items like perfumes and nail polishes, have a little shelving unit on your boutique table. Have a table cloth to dress the table. Have gift bags and tissue paper at one end of the table ready to package everyone’s newly swapped items. Display a bouquet/pot or two of simple inexpensive flowers like carnations or pansies. Have a mirror if doing a clothing swap. If your theme is beauty items have an aloe plant or two on display. If your theme is a tool time exchange, set it up in the back yard. Have an extension cord ready to go to test out any tools that require electricity. Have the DVD player ready to go to test out DVD’s for the entertainment swap party theme. Blow up a couple balloons for the toy exchange. Whatever the swap theme you choose, use elements that co-ordinate with the theme to create a simple ambiance that compliments it.


Have some refreshments ready. It is a party after all. Keep these simple too. If you’re having the baking exchange, then you’ll want to focus on savoury tapas instead of sweet. Have a simple yet fancy punch. To really keep with the swap party theme, you can have your guests bring a tray of appies or tapas to share like a potluck.

Swap Party Activity

The swapping, mingling and eating will take the bulk of the party for activities. However, if you wish to add in one joint activity in which all your guests can take part in at one time, then try this idea. Have a mystery item that keeps in theme with your swap party. For example, for the baking exchange you can have a nice pampered chef item. Place your special mystery item in a box. Then wrap it in several layers of wrapping paper. Have your guests gather around in a circle. Place the well wrapped item in the center along with two oven mitts. Start at one end of the circle and have that guest roll two dice. If they roll doubles, then they quickly place on the oven mitts and start to unwrap the mystery present. Meanwhile, everyone else in the circle is still receiving their turn to roll doubles. As soon as someone else rolls doubles, then the other person has to stop unwrapping and quickly pass the new person the oven mitts and they take over trying to finish unwrapping that present. This continues on until someone successfully unwraps the present. The guest who does that will win the special mystery item. To make this game last long enough, really wrap the box well including duct tape and packing tape. Whatever swap theme you decide, it’ll be a fun party that will be successful and easy on everyone’s wallet!

8 Easy Swap Party Recipes

These swap party recipes are fast and easy because they are more about assembly than making and baking.

Swap Party Recipe 1- Bite Sized Nacho Cups

Use the tortilla chips that are scoop shaped. Fill each one with a little taco meat, diced jalapeno, salsa and shredded cheese. Broil until the cheese melts. Then place a small bit of guacamole and/or sour cream on top. Garnish with either one slice of olive or sprinkle of thinly sliced scallion.

Swap Party Recipe 2- Mediterranean Skewers

Use red, yellow and green cherry tomatoes. Cut each one in half. Use small skewers or toothpicks. Skewer one half of a tomato. Then skewer a basil leaf. Next skewer a piece of mozza cheese. Finish the skewer with the other half of the tomato. Drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil over top and season with salt and pepper.

Swap Recipe Party 3- Fried Perogies

Cook perogies according to the package instructions. Heat oil in a skillet. Place perogies in the hot oil and fry until crisp. Place on paper towel to absorb excess oil. In a small serving bowl, mix together some sour cream, crumbled bacon and chives. Place perogies around the bowl of dip. *You can do an Italian version of this with ravioli. Cook according to package directions and then fry the ravioli. Have a bowl of your choice of pasta sauce (marinara, alfredo, pesto, etc) to serve with them.

Swap Party Recipe 4- Veggies and Hummus

Prepare bite sized pieces of carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, radishes, snap peas, steamed green beans, celery and whatever fav veg you have. Serve it with hummus. This recipe uses black eye peas instead of garbanzo beans. Blend the following until smooth:
1 cup cooked black eye peas
¼ cup water
5 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp tahini
2 tsp garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste

Swap Party Recipe 5- Homemade Chips

Thinly slice enough purple potatoes, carrots and parsnips to make 1 cup. Toss with
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp garlic salt
½ tsp dill
Pepper to taste
Spray a baking sheet and place the veggies in a single layer. Bake at 350 F for 20-25 min.

Swap Party Recipe 6- Sandwich Cut Outs

Use a light and fluffy bread. Spread with any filling that would complement your theme. Try tuna salad, egg salad, softened cream cheese and cherry preserves, peanut butter and strawberry jam, salmon salad are to name a few choices. Take metal cookie cutters and cut out fun shapes. This especially goes well with the toy exchange theme.

Lucky # 7 The Drink Recipe- Easy Punch

Mix one part sprite with one part orange or berry juice in a punch bowl. Garnish with orange slices and/or frozen berries.

Bonus #8 The Dessert Recipe- Ice Cream Sundae Bar

You may choose to make this the only refreshment option. Have chocolate and vanilla ice cream ready. Have your topping selections in groupings along the bar. Here are some suggestions for great toppings:
Crushed oreo cookies/crushed chocolate wafers
Crushed biscotti
Diced frozen cookie dough bits
Well chilled small pieces of brownies
Chocolate chips
Mini marshmallows
Chopped nuts
Mini m&m’s
Mini rolos
Crushed skor bits
Crushed mint candies
Chopped strawberries
Crushed pineapple bits
Split bananas
Can of whip cream
Frozen cherry halves
Chocolate crackle sauce
Hot fudge sauce warming in a fondue pot
Hot caramel sauce warming in a fondue pot
Nutella warming in a fondue pot
Berry sauce
Make up labels for your toppings so your guests know what tantalizing options are available. If your topping options are vast, come up with some topping combo ideas and have it written out. Give the topping  combo idea creative names. Have colourful bowls or waffle bowls as a serving choice for your guests.

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